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Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Gedung Dengan Arsitektur Terbaik

Inilah Gedung dengan Arsitektur Terbaik

detail berita
foto: the 8 house/
COPENHAGEN - Sebuah gedung hunian yang terletak di Copenhagen, Denmark berhasil menyabet penghargaan kehormatan bidang arsitektur dalam AIA Institute Award 2012 yang diadakan di Denmark baru-baru ini.

Seperti dilansir laman Architecture List, Sabtu (14/1/2012), gedung mewah yang diberi nama The 8 House ini dianggap secara umum memiliki kualitas arsitektur terbaik, sebab mempunyai akses yang memungkinkan penghuninya untuk bersepeda dari jalanan luar hingga penthouse yang berada di lantai 10. The 8 House juga dinilai dewan juri sebagai bangunan yang memiliki keunikan pada bentuknya yang khas serta dapat memberi kontribusi positif pada lingkungan perkotaan.

"Rancangan bangunan The 8 House sangat mahir dalam menciptakan sebuah proyek multifamily. Yang mana hal ini sangat berkaitan erat dengan nilai-nilai hubungan sosial masyarakat, dapat dilihat melalui pembuatan akses jalanan yang memudahkan penghuninya untuk saling berinterkasi satu sama lain dalam satu lingkungan," ujar salah seorang juri AIA Institute Award.

Dia menambahkan, para Arsitek The 8 House yang sangat terampil tersebut telah berhasil membuat sebuah gedung yang super komplit dimana dalam sebuah kawasan terdapat perumahan, tempat belanja, restoran, gedung perkantoran, fasilitas pendidikan, galeri seni, tempat penitipan anak, dan lain-lain.

Selain itu, The 8 House juga memperoleh penilaian positif lainnya dikarenakan lingkungan sekitar bangunan yang dibuat sangat asri, sehingga memudahkan penghuni sekitarnya untuk menikmati udara dan pemandangan yang sejuk dan berolahraga dengan bebas di liar ruangan.

The 8 House dibangun oleh pengembang swasta Denmark BIG, dengan luas 650 ribu meter persegi, yang terdiri dari penggabungan tiga jenis gedung apartemen dan retail atau pusat perbelanjaan seluas 110 ribu meter persegi. Gedung ini juga sebelumnya
telah memperoleh penghargaan sebagai gedung hunian terbaik dari beberapa festival seperti World Architecture Festival 2011 di Barcelona, Scandinavian Roof Award dan penghargaan Utzon untuk penerapan beton gedung yang inovatif.

"Kami merasa terhormat mendapatkan penghargaan ini. Sebab memlalui penghargaan ini juga semakin jelas membuktikan The 8 House berbeda dengan gedung-gedung lainnya. Kami berusaha merancang gedung ini dengan sebuah pendekatan konsep yang kami sebut alkimia arsitektur, yang merupakan sebuah gagasan untuk menggabungkan bahan-bahan alam dan tradisional menjadi sebuah
bangunan modern serta punya nilai cinta lingkungan yang lebih," kata pendiri BIG, Bjark Ingels. (rhs)

Mega Proyek solusi Krisis Energi

12 Mega Proyek di Dunia yang di Bangun Untuk Mengatasi Kekurangan Energi

Makin banyaknya dan tambahan populasi dunia mengakibatkan bumi ini semakin “sekarat”, ada banyak cara dilakukan oleh manusia untuk menanggulangi krisi energi yang makin membuat manusia terancam kepunahan, sebagai satu-satunya mahluk di muka bumi yakni manusia memiliki tugas untuk menjaga keseimbangan alam. beberapa upaya mungkin sudah dilakukan dan sedang menunggu hasil dari teknologi tersebut, selain itu 12 mega proyek dibawah ini diharapkan dapat menanggulanginya.
Living mountain skycraper:

bisa hidup di pegunungan menyelamatkan kita dari pemanasan global penggurunan diinduksi? Konsep untuk skyscraper 2011 evolo kompetisi menciptakan oase ditinggali di salah satu lingkungan di dunia yang paling keras, padang pasir gurun di barat laut cina, menciptakan iklim mikro di dalam gunung buatan manusia. Suprastruktur ini termasuk 2.000-sq-ft ‘hidup polong’, danau buatan yang dihasilkan oleh penggalian air dari substrat daerah dan koleksi air hujan. Akhirnya, beberapa gunung-gunung dapat dikaitkan dengan menggunakan mobil kabel.
Waste-recycling underwater skyscrapers:

bayangkan menggunakan gedung pencakar langit bawah air besar untuk menyaring semua kotoran plastik dan lainnya dari great pacific garbage patch di samudera pasifik. The ‘lady tpa skyscraper’ terdiri dari tiga fungsi utama: Kolektor sampah di bagian bawah, pabrik daur ulang di pusat dan perumahan dan rekreasi di atas permukaan laut. Sampah akan dipanaskan di dalam ruang daur ulang dan diubah menjadi gas yang kemudian dapat disimpan dalam struktur baterai seperti besar dan digunakan sebagai energi. Bentuk struktur sebenarnya terinspirasi oleh menara eiffel terbalik.
Skeletal skyscraper harvests energy from lightning:

ini adalah yang aneh di abad 22 : Kalau saja kita bisa mencari cara yang kurang intensif energi untuk memproduksinya, bahan bakar hidrogen bisa menjadi sumber energi terbaru. Konsep hydra menara bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan petir dan menggunakannya untuk menghancurkan harfiah molekul air menjadi hidrogen dan oksigen. Bingkai kerangka menara terbuat dari graphene super-sulit, yang 200 kali lebih kuat dari baja, sehingga dapat menahan kekuatan seperti itu. Menara ini akan ditempatkan di daerah tropis, yang melihat 70% dari semua sambaran petir.
Green tech city for hanoi, vietnam:

visi ini luar biasa untuk sebuah kota yang berkelanjutan dalam seluruh kota hanoi, vietnam yang sebenarnya sedang aktif dikembangkan. Hijau tech kota, oleh som arsitek, mengintegrasikan dua desa yang sudah ada untuk membuat sebuah pusat kota baru yang berkelanjutan untuk 20.000 penduduk dan menggabungkan kedua teknologi terdepan modern dan desain pasif berteknologi rendah disesuaikan dengan budaya dan iklim dari vietnam. Kota ini akan mencakup koridor hijau di sepanjang sungai merah dengan lingkungan hunian yang ramah pejalan kaki yang terletak di dekat sebuah distrik komersial yang menjulang. Saluran air pendingin, tanaman tri-generasi, daur ulang limbah dan pemanenan air hujan akan membantu kota ini menjadi model untuk hidup perkotaan yang berkelanjutan.
Everrich 2 apartments: Self-sustaining tower:

megastructure lain datang ke vietnam dalam waktu dekat adalah everrich 2 apartemen kompleks oleh dwp arsitek, struktur melengkung besar rolling yang menyerupai sebuah taman hiburan lebih dari perumahan perkotaan. Saat ini sedang dibangun, kompleks berisi 3.100 unit apartemen bersama dengan dua lantai ruang ritel dan publik campuran. Arsitek merancang struktur untuk memaksimalkan pencahayaan dan ventilasi alami, dan akan menggunakan beton pracetak dan batu lokal.
Flat tower: High-density honeycomb structure:

bagaimana kota padat penduduknya, tanpa didominasi matahari yang menyinari tanaman hijau ? Konsep flat tower dalam kemasan ruang hidup di atas permukaan tanah dalam pola sarang madu yang tidak biasa, membentuk semacam bukit buatan. Ruang hijau di bawah ini dibiarkan, bukaan besar membiarkan banyak matahari dan struktur mampu panen baik air hujan dan energi surya.
Porocity: Rehabilitation for mumbai:

jejak segitiga di mumbai saat ini diduduki oleh kumuh dharavi – salah satu yang terpadat di dunia – bisa berubah menjadi rumah bertingkat dengan porositas, konsep oleh khushalani associates. Porositas akan mengatur kembali perumahan kumuh, mempertahankan ruang tamu kecil dan merasa hidup komunal tetapi membuat mereka lebih modern dengan built-in transportasi termasuk lift dan funiculars dan ruang termasuk untuk bisnis dan industri, menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk mobil.
Reflections development in singapore:

dirancang oleh arsitek daniel libeskind akan membuat besar splash di garis pantai singapura dengan ‘refleksi’, koleksi kontroversial menara melengkung terdapat 1.129 unit rumah tinggal yang akan selesai tahun ini di keppel harbor. Keenam gedung pencakar langit, yang dihubungkan oleh jembatan langit dan menjulang di atas villa low-rise, adalah spasi untuk memungkinkan pandangan ke cakrawala. Struktur singapura memenangkan green mark gold award untuk penghematan energi yang signifikan.
Seawater-filtering skyscrapers from old oil platforms:

ratusan bekas platform minyak lepas pantai dapat berubah menjadi gedung pencakar langit yang bisa ditinggali desalinasi air laut, menyediakan sumber air bersih untuk jutaan orang yang saat ini tidak memiliki akses ke sumber bersih dari sumber daya yang berharga. Pipa-pipa pengeboran minyak yang ada akan digunakan untuk membuat air laut dan gerakan air terhadap menara dapat memberikan energi yang cukup untuk daya fasilitas situs. Polong little pada struktur akan pekerja rumah serta fasilitas penelitian.
Solar-powered paris triangle:

gedung paris ini sangat tahan terhadap struktur modern tinggi yang secara dramatis , tapi setelah larangan gedung bertingkat tinggi terpilih ke bawah, pintu dibuka untuk kaca 50-cerita piramida disebut le projet triangle di port de versailles. Dirancang oleh herzog dan de meuron, menara – didukung oleh energi matahari dan angin – akan gedung-ketiga tertinggi di paris. Konstruksi telah dimulai dan itu akan selesai pada tahun 2012.
Kepco green energy headquarters concept:

ketika korea electric power corporation (kepco) mengumumkan sebuah kompetisi untuk merancang markas baru di sebuah kota dekat naju, korea selatan, satu proposal berdiri keluar baik untuk ukuran dan faktor berkelanjutan: Sebuah ‘energi hijau theme park’ yang tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai home base kepco, tetapi juga sebagai cara untuk memamerkan teknologi energi terbarukan. Desain ini terdiri dari sebuah menara 29 lantai di podium lanskap dengan serangkaian atap hijau miring, perangkat matahari shading dan sisi utara sepenuhnya ditutupi lumut yang akan menangkap air dan alami melindungi bangunan. Winning tempat ketiga, desain ini juga termasuk turbin angin, daur ulang greywater, sistem panas bumi dan panel surya.
Urban trees green housing projects:

dengan kolom pusat batang dan pohon-pohon yang tumbuh di taman-taman atap, proyek perkotaan pohon oleh geotectura tentu hidup sama dengan namanya. Perumahan unit berbagai ukuran yang terkandung dalam ‘mengambang’ kubus, beberapa di antaranya bahkan memiliki memproyeksikan ‘teras langit’ untuk hidup di luar ruangan tinggi di langit. Hasilnya adalah banyak tanaman hijau dan banyak aliran udara alami, memberikan ruang hidup yang sehat penghuni merasa lebih terikat dengan alam dan membutuhkan energi lebih sedikit untuk panas dan dingin.

Konsep Bangunan Ramah Lingkungan nan Indah

Konsep Green Building di Perpustakaan UI (Universitas Indonesia)

Universitas Indonesia (UI) telah membangun perpustakaan terbesar di Asia yang menganut konsep "green building" di lahan seluas 24.000 m2. Perpustakaan ini dinamakan "The Crystal Knowledge". Menariknya, bangunan ini dirancang oleh Mahasiswa UI, sehingga benar-benar terasa kebanggaan UI pada khususnya dan Indonesia pada umumnya. Semoga universitas-universitas lain di Indonesia memiliki perpustakaan yang moderen juga sekaligus mempromosikan keunikan dan kecanggihan arsitektur anak bangsa.

Dikutip dari, dibawah ini adalah beberapa foto dari The Crystal Knowledge. Foto ini diambil oleh Bapak R. Yugo K. Isal, Drs, M.Sc, Sekretaris Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UI.

Penampakan Luar

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Penampakan Dalam

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013



      Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci, an illustration of the human body inscribed in the circle and the square derived from a passage about geometry and human proportions in Vitruvius' writings
Little is known about Vitruvius' life. Most inferences about him are extracted from his only surviving work De Architectura. His first name Marcus and his cognomen Pollio are uncertain. He was possibly a praefectus fabrum during military service or praefect architectus armamentarius of the apparitor status group. Cetius Faventinus speaks of "Vitruvius Polio aliique auctores" in his epitome; it is possible that the cognomen derives from this mention by Cetius, meaning Vitruvius, Polio, and others – further confusing the cognomen, an inscription in Verona names Lucius Vitruvius Cordo and an inscription from Thilbilis North Africa (near Guelma) names Marcus Vitruvius Mamurra. From this inscription the archaeologist Dr. G. Q. Giglioli nearly concludes that Vitruvius and Mamurra are from the same family; his argument is presented by Ettore Pais:
          That [name is] very common in Formiae and regions adjacent, as well Dr. Giglioli observes, it is rare elsewhere. Indeed so far, except for some historical figures, that, as the writer Vitruvius Vitruvius and Vacca, Formiae belonged to or who are assigned to it, this [name] is not [natively] found in Numidia. And only in a epigraph of this region [Dr. Giglioli] has recovered the memory of a member of the [family] Mamurra Vitruvius." and deduces he is "of the same family as [the] well [known rider from] Formia.
     The Roman military officer Mamurra also served as praefectus fabrum in HispaniaGaul  and  Pontus  under Julius Caesar. Paul Thielscher moved the conclusions of Dr. Giglioli further and concluded that these two men are the same. There are inconsistencies with this conclusion, such as there is no mention of Caesar's invasions of Britain in De Architectura, nor of other things with which Mamurra was associated, such as equestrian military practices, and a love for nepotism and personal wealth. Additionally, Caesar received a letter that can be inferred to have news of Mamurra's death, whereas Vitruvius dedicated De Architectura to the emperor Augustus.
          He appears to be known to Pliny the Elder through his description of constructing mosaics in Naturalis Historia. Although he is not actually named in that passage, he does appear in Naturalis Historia 1 (the table of contents). Frontinus refers to "Vitruvius the architect" in his late 1st-century work De aquaeductu.
         Likely born a free Roman citizen, by his own account Vitruvius served the Roman army under Julius Caesar with the otherwise poorly identified Marcus Aurelius, Publius Minidius, and Gnaeus Cornelius. These names vary depending on the edition of De architectura. Publius Minidius is also written as Publius Numidicus and Publius Numidius, speculated as the same Publius Numisius inscribed on the Roman Theatre at Heraclea. As an army engineer he specialized in the construction of ballista and scorpio artillery war machines for sieges. It is speculated that Vitruvius served with Julius Caesar's Chief Engineer Lucius Cornelius Balbus. The locations where he served can be reconstructed from, for example, descriptions of the building methods of various "foreign tribes". Although he describes places throughout De Architectura, he does not say he was present. His service likely included north AfricaHispaniaGaul (including Aquitaine) and Pontus.
         To place the role of Vitruvius the military engineer in context, a description of "The Praefect of the camp" or army engineer is quoted here as given by Flavius Vegetius Renatus in The Military Institutions of the Romans:
          The Praefect of the camp, though inferior in rank to the [Praefect], had a post of no small importance. The position of the camp, the direction of the entrenchments, the inspection of the tents or huts of the soldiers and the baggage were comprehended in his province. His authority extended over the sick, and the physicians who had the care of them; and he regulated the expenses relative thereto. He had the charge of providing carriages, bathhouses and the proper tools for sawing and cutting wood, digging trenches, raising parapets, sinking wells and bringing water into the camp. He likewise had the care of furnishing the troops with wood and straw, as well as the rams, onagri, balistae and all the other engines of war under his direction. This post was always conferred on an officer of great skill, experience and long service, and who consequently was capable of instructing others in those branches of the profession in which he had distinguished himself.
          At various locations described by Vitruvius,[citation needed] battles and sieges occurred. He is the only source for the siege of Larignum 56 BC. Of the battlegrounds of the Gallic War there are references to: The siege and massacre of the 40,000 residents at Avaricum 52 BC; Vercingetorix commented that "the Romans did not conquer by valor nor in the field, but by a kind of art and skill in assault, with which they [Gauls] themselves were unacquainted." The broken siege at Gergovia 52 BC. The circumvallation and Battle of Alesia 52 BC; the women and children of the encircled city were evicted to conserve food, where they starved to death between the opposing walls of the defenders and besiegers. And the siege of Uxellodunum 51 BC. These are all sieges of large Gallic oppida. Of the sites involved in Caesar's civil war, we find the Siege of Massilia 49 BC, the Battle of Dyrrhachium of 48 BC (modern Albania), the Battle of Pharsalus 48 BC (Hellas - Greece), the Battle of Zela of 47 BC (modern Turkey) and the Battle of Thapsus 46 BC in Caesar's African campaign. A legion that fits the same sequence of locations is the Legio VI Ferrata, of which ballista would be an auxilia unit.
             Mainly known for his writings, Vitruvius was himself an architect. In Roman times architecture was a broader subject than at present including the modern fields of architecture  , construction managementconstruction engineeringchemical engineeringcivil engineeringmaterials engineeringmechanical engineeringmilitary engineering and urban planningFrontinus mentions him in connection with the standard sizes of pipes. The only building, however, that we know Vitruvius to have worked on is one he tells us about, a basilica completed in 19 BC. It was built at Fanum Fortunae, now the modern town of Fano. The Basilica di Fano (to give the building its Italian name) has disappeared so completely that its very site is a matter of conjecture, although various attempts have been made to visualise it.[18] The early Christian practice of converting Roman basilica (public buildings) into cathedrals implies the basilica may be incorporated into the cathedral located in Fano.
              In later years the emperor Augustus, through his sister Octavia Minor, sponsored Vitruvius, entitling him with what may have been a pension to guarantee financial independence. If De architectura was written by one author or is a compilation completed by subsequent librarians and copyists, remains an open question. The date of his death is unknown, which suggests that he had enjoyed only little popularity during his lifetime.[citation needed]
              Gerolamo Cardano, in his 16th book De subtilitate rerum, ranks Vitruvius as one of the 12 persons, whom he supposes to have excelled all men in the force of genius and invention; and would not have scrupled to have given him the first place, if it could be imagined that he had delivered nothing but his own discoveries.
Vitruvius' De Architectura libri decem (De Architectura)

Greek house plan after Vitruvius
             Vitruvius is the author of De architectura, known today as The Ten Books on Architecture,[20] a treatise written in Latin and Greek on architecture, dedicated to the emperor Augustus. In the preface of Book I, Vitruvius dedicates his writings so to give personal knowledge of the quality of buildings to the emperor. Likely Vitruvius is referring to Marcus Agrippa's campaign of public repairs and improvements. This work is the only surviving major book on architecture from classical antiquity. According to Petri Liukkonen, this text "influenced deeply from the Early Renaissance onwards artists, thinkers, and architects, among them Leon Battista Alberti (1404-72), Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519), and Michelangelo  (1475-1564) ."The next major book on architecture, Alberti's reformulation of Ten Books, was not written until 1452.
              Vitruvius is famous for asserting in his book De architectura that a structure must exhibit the three qualities of firmitas, utilitas, venustas – that is, it must be solid, useful, beautiful. These are sometimes termed the Vitruvian virtues or the Vitruvian Triad. According to Vitruvius, architecture is an imitation of nature. As birds and bees built their nests, so humans constructed housing from natural materials, that gave them shelter against the elements. When perfecting this art of building, the Greeks invented the architectural orders: DoricIonic and Corinthian. It gave them a sense of proportion, culminating in understanding the proportions of the greatest work of art: the human body. This led Vitruvius in defining his Vitruvian Man, as drawn later by Leonardo da Vinci: the human body inscribed in the circle and the square (the fundamental geometric patterns of the cosmic order).
               Vitruvius is sometimes loosely referred to as the first architect, but it is more accurate to describe him as the first Roman architect to have written surviving records of his field. He himself cites older but less complete works. He was less an original thinker or creative intellect than a codifier of existing architectural practice. It should also be noted that Vitruvius had a much wider scope than modern architects. Roman architects practised a wide variety of disciplines; in modern terms, they could be described as being engineers, architects, landscape architectsartists, and craftsmen combined. Etymologically the word architect derives from Greek words meaning 'master' and 'builder'. The first of the Ten Books deals with many subjects which now come within the scope of landscape architecture.
Roman technology

Drainage wheel from Rio Tinto mines
          Books VIII, IX and X form the basis of much of what we know about Roman technology, now augmented by archaeological studies of extant remains, such as the water mills at Barbegal in France. The other major source of information is the Naturalis Historia compiled by Pliny the Elder much later in ca 75 AD.
         The work is important for its descriptions of the many different machines used for engineering structures such as hoistscranes and pulleys, as well as war machines such as catapults and ballistae, and siege engines. As a practising engineer, Vitruvius must be speaking from personal experience rather than simply describing the works of others. He also describes the construction of sundials and water clocks, and the use of an aeolipile (the first steam engine) as an experiment to demonstrate the nature of atmospheric air movements (wind).
           His description of aqueduct construction includes the way they are surveyed, and the careful choice of materials needed, although Frontinus (a general who was appointed in the late 1st century AD to administer the many aqueducts of Rome), writing a century later, gives much more detail of the practical problems involved in their construction and maintenance. Surely Vitruvius' book would have been of great assistance in this. Vitruvius was writing in the 1st century BC when many of the finest Roman aqueducts were built, and survive to this day, such as those at Segovia and the Pont du Gard. The use of the inverted siphon is described in detail, together with the problems of high pressures developed in the pipe at the base of the siphon, a practical problem with which he seems to be acquainted.
              He describes many different construction materials used for a wide variety of different structures, as well as such details as stucco painting. Concrete and lime receive in-depth descriptions, the longevity of many Roman structures being mute testimony to the Romans' skill in building materials and design.
             Vitruvius is well known and often cited as one of the earliest surviving sources to have advised that lead should not be used to conduct drinking water, recommending clay pipes or masonry channels. He comes to this conclusion in Book VIII of De Architectura after empirical observation of the apparent laborer  illnesses in the lead foundries of his time. Vitruvius gives us the famous story about Archimedes and his detection of adulterated gold in a royal crown. When Archimedes realised that the volume of the crown could be measured exactly by the displacement created in a bath of water, he ran into the street with the cry of Eureka!, and the discovery enabled him to compare the density of the crown with pure gold. He showed that the crown had been alloyed with silver, and the king defrauded.
Dewatering machines

Design for an Archimedean water-screw
              He describes the construction of Archimedes' screw in Chapter X (without mentioning Archimedes by name). It was a device widely used for raising water to irrigate fields and dewater mines. Other lifting machines he mentions include the endless chain of buckets and the reverse overshot water-wheel. Remains of the water wheels used for lifting water were discovered when old mines were re-opened at Rio Tinto in Spain and Dolaucothi in west Wales. The Rio Tinto wheel is now shown in the British Museum, and the Dolaucothi specimen in the National Museum of Wales.

Surveying instruments

              That he must have been well practised in surveying is shown by his descriptions of surveying instruments, especially the water level or chorobates, which he compares favourably with the groma, a device using plumb lines. They were essential in all building operations, but especially in aqueduct construction, where a uniform gradient was important to provision of a regular supply of water without damage to the walls of the channel. He also developed one of the first odometers, consisting of a wheel of known circumference that dropped a pebble into a container on every rotation.

Central heating
 Ruins of the hypocaust under the floor of a Roman villa. The part under the exedra is covered.
              He describes the many innovations made in building design to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants. Foremost among them is the development of the hypocaust, a type of central heating where hot air developed by a fire was channelled under the floor and inside the walls of public baths and villas. He gives explicit instructions how to design such buildings so that fuel efficiency is maximised, so that for example, the caldarium is next to the tepidarium followed by the frigidarium. He also advises on using a type of regulator to control the heat in the hot rooms, a bronze disc set into the roof under a circular aperture which could be raised or lowered by a pulley to adjust the ventilation. Although he does not suggest it himself, it is likely that his dewatering devices such as the reverse overshot water-wheel was used in the larger baths to lift water to header tanks at the top of the larger thermae, such as the Baths of Diocletian and the Baths of Caracalla.

Battle of Thapsus as depicted in an engraving after Andrea Palladio
             The interior of the Pantheon (from an 18th-century painting by Panini). Although built after Vitruvius' death, its excellent state of preservation makes it of great importance to those interested in Vitruvian architecture
             His book De architectura was rediscovered in 1414 by the Florentine humanist Poggio Bracciolini. To Leon Battista Alberti (1404–1472) falls the honour of making this work widely known in his seminal treatise on architecture De re aedificatoria (ca. 1450). The first known edition of Vitruvius was in Rome by Fra Giovanni Sulpitius in 1486. Translations followed in Italian (Como, 1521), French (Jean Martin, 1547, English, German (Walter H. Ryff, 1543) and Spanish and several other languages. The original illustrations had been lost and the first illustrated edition was published in Venice in 1511 with  woodcut  illustrations, based on descriptions in the text, probably by Fra Giovanni Giocondo. Later in the 16th-century Andrea Palladio provided illustrations for Daniele Barbaro's commentary on Vitruvius (which appeared in Italian and Latin versions). However, the most famous illustration remains a 15th-century one, Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.
             The surviving ruins of Roman antiquity, the Roman Forum, temples, theatres, triumphal arches and their reliefs and statues gave ample visual examples of the descriptions in the Vitruvian text. This book then quickly became a major inspiration for RenaissanceBaroque and Neoclassical architectureBrunelleschi, for example, invented a new type of hoist to lift the large stones for the dome of the cathedral in Florence and was prompted by De Architectura as well as viewing the many surviving Roman monuments like the Pantheon and the Baths of Diocletian in Rome.

Lists of names given in Book VII Introduction

            In book seven's introduction Vitruvius goes through great lengths to present his credentials for writing De Architectura. Similar in concept to a modern day reference section, the author's position as one who is knowledgeable and educated is established. The topics listed range across many fields of expertise reflecting that in Roman times as today construction is a diverse field. Vitruvius makes the further point that the work of some of the most talented are unknown, while many who are of lesser talent but greater political position are famous. This theme runs through Vitruvius’s ten books repeatedly. Here in the introduction to Chapter 7, he illustrates this by naming what he considers are the most talented individuals in history. He predicts that some of these individuals will be forgotten and their works lost despite their contribution while other less deserving political characters of history will be forever remembered with pageantry; the red links below do not have a Wikipedia page and outside of inclusion on Vitruvius’s list under a categorization, nothing is known of them. Ironically, they may be unknown because the ancient Library of Alexandria was accidentally burned in 48 BC during a siege by Julius Caesar. Vitruvius does not mention the architecture of Egypt so was probably not involved in this siege
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